Tell me if you've heard this one before? "I've been creating since I could hold a crayon...." So many of us have that story don't we? "As far back as I can remember I've been creating. I'm not going to try to impress you with my credentials because I have none. There have been pockets and spurts of using my creative muscles. A handmade gift here and a handmade card there, some writing, some poetry, some photography. I never went to college, I did not pursue a creative education it all stopped after high school. I went out into the work force, got married, bought a house, had a kid, got a dog and moved around a bunch. Then one day, I picked up a book and a spark hit my stomach. I took it home and devoured it, googled the artist, found out about art retreats, did a couple of those, tried to start a blog and make art, then another blog and another type of art, then another blog and jewelry all in the hopes that one day I would be a famous mixed media artist like all the others that I took classes with. I got nothing but a boat load of frustration. So I stopped everything sold every single art supply that I owned and vowed never to create again. Then the creator of the universe, the God of heaven and earth touched my heart and challenged me to Hope Again. He challenged me to create for Him, what if He was my only audience? Would I be content creating for an audience of one. He gave me the courage to get back to creating and give it everything that I've got. So that's what I'm doing and all that you see here is the result of me Hoping Again. I hope you are blessed by what you see.

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